Fair. I studied at Seattle’s Coffee on the first floor of Vivi. There are people who studied and worked like me. I ate asparagus with egg, Shishamo-fish, and ice cream.



Fair. I cut my hair at midmorning. For lunch, I ate salmon with yuzu ponzu sauce. I would like ice cream, but I couldn’t eat because I didn’t have ice cream.



Rainy. When I went to a coin washer with a wash, I coincidentally met Kondo-san who is in charge of to look after customers at McDonald. She wore a black tight mini skirt. I went to The City Bakery for studying English. The girl who regularly make coffee was at the checkout counter, and she said: “Do you want a cafe latte?” “Yes,” I said. I tried on the guitar at Ishibashi music store. The guitar was made by Canada. It’s wonderful. I loved its size of neck and to get a touch. I made a pork back ribs curry. I wiped out a display of my PC. I’ve noticed it has got so many dust and fog.



Rainy. I read the book “Sen Ha Boku Wo Egaku” at Junk-Do. It has gotten the prize of Mefist this year. When I watched the TV, the author of the book appeared on the program and was speaking about his book. I decided to read the book because the tone of his voice was so good. The main story is talked around ink painting. The book has transpicuous sentences. I’ve recalled about Mimei-chan. I made a fried-chicken. I used mix starch and bread flour. It’s so-so. I used bread flour for making fried-chicken, but at the beginning, I was going to use it for making doughnuts.



Cloudy. Today is my elder sister’s 40th birthday, so I went to buy a birthday present. This time I’ve already decided a present that is one except a toothpaste The Conran Shop sells. As a result, I bought a toothpaste at The Conran Shop.



くもり。朝起きて、台所に立つと、目の前にナスが置いてあった。「もらってきたから何かつくれ」という雰囲気が漂う。無農薬だからナスのなかに小さなナメクジが住んでいた。野菜の揚げびたしを作る。ナス、ピーマン、たまねぎ、にんじん。薄口醤油の分量を少な目にしたので、野菜の甘味をいつもより感じた。テレビで、10歳の不登校ユーチューバーの発言が物議をかもしているらしい。「計算なんてSiriやGoogleに任せればやってくれるから、学校なんて行く必要あらへん」とのこと。僕は思う、「かわいそうに」と。考える能力を放棄してしまったからだ。社会に出て大切なのは「問題」を正確にとらえることができるかどうかだ。学校みたいに「これが問題だから解け」なんてことは絶対にない。学力は高くても社会人になるとまったく役に立たないというのは、こういうことだと思う。学生は「誰かに与えられた、問題を解く」、大人は「問題は何かを自分で発見して、それを解く」ことができる人間でなきゃいけない。気づいた問題が的を得ていれば、正しい答えが出せる。この子はSiriやGoogleに任せれば良いというけど、「問題は何か?」を考える頭は人が持たなきゃいけない。問題が分からなければ、Siriに話しかけたり、Googleで検索したりもできない。Siriに「問題は何ですか?」って聞くの?外国の冗談でこういうのがあったなあ。”自分探しをしている人がGoogleで「自分とは何か?」を検索した。検索結果が4万件以上ヒットした。” 舞城王太郎はこう言ってたなあ。「考えない人間は、その辺のタンスと一緒だ。いや、洋服を収納するのに役に立つだけタンスの方がマシだ」あ、いけない、これも自分の頭で考えてないことになるな。「本を読み過ぎると、自分の頭で考えなくなるから、馬鹿になる」これも誰かが言ってた。気になったのは、番組に出ていたコメンテーターが「この子は天才かも知れない」とか「学び方はいろいろあっていい」とか、この子供の事を全く心配していなかったことだ。


Fair. When I was walking at Shirogane, an insect or something came into my nasal cavity. I grilled chub mackerel and ate it with ponzu sauce. I didn’t have some milk, so I ate a Chocowa without milk.



Fair. I drew a daily illustration with a pencil I bought yesterday. Beforehand I sharpened it at home. It’s lighter and dark than my sharp pencil. If I drew a line in strong pen pressure, the line couldn’t be erased by an eraser quite and lingered behind on the note. I tried drawing in weak pen pressure. I fried up a sausage, a green paper, and an egg. Then I ate a mandarin orange jelly made by Tarami. Unfortunately, My iPhone needs to repair again.



Rainy then Fair. I bought a pencil (¥160) and sharpened pencil tool(\220) by STAEDLER and a cap of pencil(¥120).

雨のち晴れ。今日買ったもの。 STAEDTLERの7Bの鉛筆(160円)、STAEDTLERのえんぴつ削り(220円)、鉛筆のキャップ(120円)。


Rainy. When I studied English at McDonald’s, Kondo-san who is a person in charge of care customers spoke to me. “Just a little longer there is a competition of customer service. About a year ago, another person who is a competitor of customer service spoke to you. The judge made a valuation it the action.” I couldn’t recall immediately, but I suddenly remembered shop stuff spoke to me and say “Would you like a glass of water?” I thought this might be it. My iPhone’s screen came off a little from the case. I decided to fix it up and went to a Home center store “Sun-mart.” I wondered how to fix in multiple ways. I bought an instant glue and clip that pinch my iPhone’s screen. I made a fried chicken. This time I used hard wheat flour. So the batter was very crispy. The taste of fried chicken is alike bay star ramen. I adhere to my iPhone’s screen using instant glue. It was successful.
